The Project ALBEDO and The Project PIPENET
University of Perugia
Copenhagen 18 dicembre 2009.
On Dec the 18th, the UNEP's (United Nations Environment Program)
roundtable debate on "Risks, insurance and investments - supporting low
carbon energy technologies" took place; the discussion, by invitations
only, was one of the last events scheduled before COP15 final negotiations.
50 experts and stakeholders gathered from all over the world ( Participants)
representing the technology, energy and business sectors.
Chaired by the Robert K. Dixon (USA) two issues were mainly debated:
1. investments on renewables and green economy, risks included
2. low carbon technology examples:
Four technologies were presented:
a) project DESERTEC presented by prof. Peter Hoppe from Munich,
involving, among others, ABB, Eon, Deutsche Bank, Siemens and
Angelantoni Industries;
b)project 2nd generation Biofuels;
c)project Albedo Control and project Pipe§net.
The latter three projects were described by Prof. Franco Cotana.
Few days before the Copenhagen conference COP15, WEC (World Energy
Council) had published a report titled "European Climate Change Policy
Beyond 2012" where such projects were mentioned as promising
( Published November 2009)
During the roundtable these Italian projects earned large praise.
For the ALBEDO CONTROL a proposal was raised of instituting an
international agency coordinated by Italy, which could allocate carbon
credits, through a satellite and specific procedures, to surfaces that
reflect solar radiation, decreasing global warming.
The goal of a max 2 °C temperature increase (wishfully 1.5 °C) could be
reached not only through CO2 emission reduction projects but also by the
means of increasing Earth's albedo, thanks to a strictly controlled
process, certified by an international agency.
As for project PIPE§NET the option of connecting Mediterranean seaports
was raised. Beforehand a pilot facility with commercial effectiveness
could be built, e.g. within Milan (Italy) World's Fair Expo 2015.
Some international banks were interested on the projects and asked for
more details.
Low cost alternative technologies to offset global warming prof. Franco Cotana
( Press Release 19 dicembre 2009)
( Copenhagen Accord 2009)